Year in review: Product updates in 2024
We help university schedule-makers
ofCourse is cloud-based software that makes it fast and easy for schedule-makers to build near-perfect college course schedules.
DemoLearn moreIt's impossible for humans to design ideal schedules by hand — there are too many variables. ofCourse makes millions of calculations to create near-perfect schedules.
Some faculty demand the impossible. ofCourse collects their preferences electronically, then generates the best possible schedule with everyone in mind.
It is vital to remember who these schedules are for—the student. So building schedules that respect their requirements is paramount. Our Course Diversity engine automagically prevents competing classes from being scheduled in conflict.
True space optimizaton often gets overlooked given all of the other scheduling challenges. Our sophisticated room placement tools make this a problem of the past. After experiencing them, you will wonder how (and why) you ever did it manually.
Designing the course schedule can be your worst time of year. Or it can be the best, with ofCourse. Our proven 5-step workflow will reduce your scheduling teams' time and effort by 90% and produce vastly better schedules.
A snarl of sticky-notes and spreadsheets is no way to build a schedule. Our elegant cloud-based software lets you and your team repeatedly build beautiful, highly optimized schedules from anywhere.
It doesn't matter whether your courses are on campus, online, or both. ofCourse collects your preferences and builds the best schedule for your circumstances. Because while an online course might not need a room, it still requires course diversity oversight.
Many schedules are modified right up until the first day of classes. Our Collision Management System makes quick and safe work of these requests. It is the most-loved feature of our platform, mostly because schedule-makers have never slept so well—knowing their modified schedules have zero-issues.
When the final schedule is reviewed and approved, click a single button and in the next sixty seconds, all teaching faculty will receive a customized email notification, letting them know what their teaching assignments are. This is such a satisfying way to end every schedule build.
Our academic support team has helped build hundreds of university course schedules. Incubated at Washington University in St. Louis, we personally understand the challenges of course scheduling — and we're here to help you every step of the way.
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Year in review: Product updates in 2023

Tiffany Guinnip, University of Arkansas